On August 21, 2018, the Osaka prefectural council citizenship standing committee (chairperson: Eiko Nakano) went to the Edison hardware inspection on August 21, 2018.
We got interested in Edison's emergency multilingual broadcasting products as a reference for improving the multilingual support system at the time of disaster in Osaka Prefecture and building multilingual support system at times of disasters to foreigners.
On that day, we talked about our management philosophy and our thoughts towards multilingual products from our representative Tsuji, and then, together with the current disasters in Japan and the lack of information to tourists visiting Japan together with Edison's multilingual We introduced photos and movies on how we can solve the product.
During the Q & A session while actually manipulating MegaSpeak, I received many questions about detailed specifications and introduction examples. Although I stayed for about an hour in a overcrowded schedule, I could see the attitude to get as much information as possible and I was keenly watching how this product can be used in Osaka Prefecture. Even our company got advice on how to use and place of use, etc. and it was a lot of time to get.
Compared with the metropolitan area, the penetration rate in Kansai is still not high, but our company is an emergency multilingual broadcasting product, but it was a meaningful time to think that many people would like to make this visit better known.

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