What is a ball guard?
I want to deliver peace of mind to everyone.

In recent years, the installation of air conditioners in gymnasiums and other indoor sports facilities has been increasing in order to combat heat d'ionism among children in educational settings and to use facilities as shelters in the event of a disaster. On the other hand, due to sports activities such as basketball, futsal, volleyball, and other sports activities in classes and club activities, the risk of damage or breakdown of the air conditioner in the gymnasium is very high.
The ball-proof guard for air conditioners is designed to prevent damage to the air conditioner body and failure when a ball or the like collides.
Edison Hardware's air conditioning ball-proof guards are designed to be safer in all installation, use, and management environments.
The easy-to-fit and practical design of the gymnasium allows it to be handled by everyone and is ideal for long-term use.
I want to deliver peace of mind to everyone.
A ball-proof guard with an emphasis on ease of use and safety that can be used with peace of mind even in places where many people gather has been completed.
Background of development
Ball-proof guards that take advantage of the technology and commitment of disaster-related products

At Edison Hardware, we have focused on disaster prevention, including the production of multilingual products.
In the mean time, I heard a story about the installation of air conditioners in sports facilities that are used as shelters in the event of a disaster.
The main purpose of the ball guard is to protect the air conditioner body from the ball.
However, as we listened to the voices from the site, we thought that it was important to produce a ball-proof guard that is easy for anyone to handle and can be used for a long time because it is installed in a building used by many people.
Because we are focusing on the production of products related to disaster prevention, we have gan to work on the production of ball-proof guards that make use of our conventional technology and commitment.
Currently, we have delivered many services nationwide, from gymnasiums of tokyo metropolitan elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools in the Kanto region, to arenas of public and private universities and public indoor sports facilities.
About "Air Conditioner Ball Guard"
Aiming to achieve both functionality and safety
Edison Hardware manufactures air conditioning ball-proof guards that are designed to be more safe to use in all aspects of installation, air conditioning, and air conditioning maintenance.
- A narrow round bar is used near the air conditioner's blowout, so condensation is less likely to occur.
- Since the fixing anchor bolt is not exposed, it has a design that is easy to fit in the gymnasium.
- During installation work, the mounting base and the guard body can be separated, so construction work can be performed easily and safely.
- When replacing the filter of the air conditioner or maintenance work in the event of a failure, the net part can be fully opened to work.
- Since the locking type catch clip is used for the opening and closing part, the guard can be opened and closed only when necessary without using a tool.
With the aim of achieving both the functionality and safety that are really needed, it is a ball guard that uses the voices of the field.